Thursday, March 25, 2010

Words to Remember

I finished painting the canvas to hang in our sitting room.
It's the words to our wedding song.
Just a little inspiration for us as we get ready every day!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Two Ongoing Projects

Remember that blank space I was trying to fill in our sitting room, above the two chairs. Well this canvas will eventually go there once I finish painting it.And this little project is something I bought supplies for to have finished by the past Christmas. Doesn't help that I didn't start on it till March, so I am trying to get it finished in the next couple of weeks to unveil this coming Christmas.
I have many other projects I want to start working on. But I feel I should finish these up before I start anything new. And as the weather warms up we start talking about tackling our very large projects, outside and inside.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The kitchen - part 1

I call this part 1, only because I'm not fully in love with it yet. There is still too much of the same wood tone going on in the kitchen. So you will have to stay tuned to see what I come up with. Not to mention I am still lacking some dressing up of the soffit and window over the sink. And don't ask why I forgot to take down the four towels hanging from the oven. No normal person needs four towels, except apparently me.The kitchen before.
Because of my lack of counter space, I brought in the black buffet from the dining room. I hope to pick up a buffet at some point that I can paint white and keep in this spot, so the black one can return to it's rightful place. But it works for now, as long as you don't stare at the back too much, as it's just the cheap old paper board that gets nailed to the back. Also notice the white fridge standing out like a sore thumb.
Old light fixture.
New light fixture. And what you can't see, is that there is now a nice spot on the ceiling that wasn't painted. So I will have to figure out how to match the white color and get it painted. Maybe I will luck out and find the old color in the basement.
So for our minor kitchen makeover we spent:

paint - free (leftover from the master bedroom)
pendant light fixture = $20 from Lowes
curtains - $50 from
curtain rod - $20 from Joanns
Ceiling Fan - $100 from Home Depot

Grand Total = $190

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Chair

I have been moving this chair around for as long as I can remember. I believe I used to do homework on it back in grade school. It went to college with me, and then followed me to Kansas City. Jesse has always wondered why I kept it. Mainly because it has always looked like this, no chair padding, and the worn out stain. I just happened to like the lines of the chair and one day wanted to fix it up.
Well the time has come. I finally went and picked up upholstery fabric and created a seat. I also stripped down the varnish so I can re-stain the chair. I am going to keep it the same color family it was in. Problem being, I want to stain it when I can open the windows or have the chair outside, so that part will have to wait for it to warm up.
But for now, the chair resides in our bedroom to collect clothes. I don't know if anyone else out there is like me, but I'm not the type of person that washes everything if it has only been worn once (jeans, sweatshirts, jackets, etc). Yet I don't like to put it back in the drawers with all the clean clothes. So usually I need a chair, or bench to collect the worn, but not dirty clothes. It's my little quirk.