Wednesday, June 30, 2010

These Walls are Coming Down

Remember how I talked about all the water in the basement, and all the mold growing on the walls.  Well we are currently in the process of tearing out the walls in the basement.  Stay tuned to see the big open space, and our grand ideas on what to do with the space.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Come on in

The entry to our home......

Was slathered in orange.
We didn't splurge on wood.
We found fiberglass with a wood grain imprint.
We stained it.
And dressed it up with new hardware.

And created a more classic and refined entrance to our home.

So come on over.
But beware, you just might be put to work on the remaining 20 projects we have going on.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Project in Progress

The installation process for the front doors has begun.  If it goes anything like the garage door installation, we might be able to let people into the front doors in a month!  Let's hope not as it's nearing 95 degrees today, and I would really like to turn the air conditioner back on sometime soon!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Upholstered Kitchen Chairs

The old kitchen chairs are starting their makeovers.  I just love how the print makes the chairs pop out.  One down and three more to go.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I've been feeling green

I'm finally getting around to buying accesories for the kitchen.  If you can't tell, I'm going with green.  Although I have already decided the striped dish towel hanging on the chair is going to be returned, it just didn't look right when hanging on the oven.  The green throw will go in the family room , along with the green swirly vase.  The flower patterned fabric is going to be chair covers for the kitchen chairs. 
The striped fabric is going to be a roman shade I will attempt to make for the empty window in the kitchen (see below), and the shiny green and brown placemats will replace the blacks ones currently occupying the kitchen table.
Well looks like I just bought a bunch of stuff for new projects, better start working on them.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Excitement

All this rain and flooding has brought out a bunch of new creatures.

Check out, I'm so sexy in my riped so my nipple can show shirt.

No this isn't the creatures I was talking about.

We had bats. Yes that's right a mama and a baby bat, right up against the house. They were sleeping, being that it was still daylight out. Sorry didn't feel safe taking any pictures of them.

At first Jesse thought he could pick them up in a grocery sack.
Then decided that throwing a bucket over it would be a better idea.
Good thing he went with the bucket, as the mama bat was MAD!!! Might have been because part of the wing got caught in the edge of the bucket. But it was flapping around inside the bucket like crazy. Enough so that Jesse screamed out and had the neighbors 100 yards away starting to run over to make sure everything was alright.

We told them we were fine, just catching a bat. I slid a piece of cardboard under the bucket and we carried it over to the creek. Then we put it down and tried to tip the bucket over while running away. Okay I might have run away first and left Jesse alone to try and release the bat.

Then we had to go back and get the baby bat and give him the same treatment.

I think bats are fine, just don't want to find them sleeping under the deck against the house.

Oh and here are our ever helpful bat dogs. They didn't even notice a thing going on.

Monday, June 14, 2010

When will it stop raining

Help. We have stinky sewer water all over in our basement. We woke up this morning to find the storm that hit us last night was the last straw. Our little bit of drain backup changed into, A LOT of drain backup.

Luckily there are only a few things we have to throw away, but it looks like we are going to have to re-prioritize our projects. And maybe actually get some things done around here. Nothing like seeing your brand new front doors that you haven't gotten around to install yet, sitting in sewer water.

Not to mention the fact that we are going to have to tear down all the drywall in the basement, for fear of mold growing. We know the old owners had to have problems down there too, I don't think this just happened overnight. It probably explains the stinky, farm, wet basement smell we have always had down there.

Oh the joy..........

Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's been raining

This weekend we wanted to install our new front doors. But we thought it was supposed to be 100 degrees out, so we didn't want our house open to that heat and humidity for the day.

And before we could install the doors, we have to remove the existing wood floor in the entry way, which means removing a bunch of trim, etc, etc.

Except we didn't get to that either. Instead it rained. And it rained a lot. And we didn't do anything around the house.

This is not a creek, this is our backyard. We have a small drainage ditch in the back, and it was well beyond it's border. These pictures were taken Saturday afternoon.

Luckily we didn't get any of this rain/water in our house. Our basement drain backs up a little bit, since it is still on a septic system for the time being, but it didn't get past the bathroom or utility room.

Granted backed up septic water makes your basement smell like crap, but hey it didn't ruin anything.

Oh and guess what, it's raining again. I think it sounds like a good time to take a nap!!