Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Landscape Project

When we moved into the house we knew we had a problem with water drainage against the foundation.  This is why we have had some of the water problems in our basement.  Of course it took us 1.5 years to get around to fixing it.
We had quite a few evergreen bushes as landscaping, they were nice, but needed to be mixed up a little.  I wanted to keep half of them, as to save a little on the budget, and Jesse was all so happy to have to work around the remaining bushes while trying to regrade in the swampy mess of a yard with a skid loader.  Which all led to this problem.

 A torn up yard and many, many, many ruts running throughout the yard.  Needless to say mowing this season is at half speed, and you basically end up with a headache when you are done, or at least I assume, as it's too bumpy and I am currently not allowed to mow in my pregnant condition.

But after a little over a month, we finally have grass growing back in the front yard.  So take a look at the after product.
 The new smaller bushes consist of azaleas and hydrangeas, and a new skinny evergreen with holly in it's name (I am horrible with plants and their names).
 We also added 6 ton of river rock and new landscape edging.  It was 2 very long days of working to get it all accomplished.

We even landscaped a small area near our driveway and added a solar light, our address sign, and a lilac bush.  I absolutely love the smell of lilacs and hope this spot is sunny enough that it will take.
 So there you have it, a newly landscaped front yard.  A little less crowded than before, with a little more color (when the new bushes are in bloom).